So yesterday Iris....Yes! This actually happened yesterday! We are touching upon the food issue again for Iris. My first full day (I am completely disregarding the time spent at my part-time job which has a commute twice as long as the amount of time I am there) home from work for the summer and Iris and I have a full day of errands and bonding planned! Hurray! This day will be EPIC! In my head we will snuggle and laugh and talk and read and.....ah, the list goes on... but we have WAY too much to do for that kind of mother-daughter frolicking! So alas, we go to the bank, get my hair done (where Iris also has her nails done and her hair put in a little up-do, for approximately 1 minute before taking it out), get my bracelet fixed, and the TRUE list goes on. So as we get in the car Iris says "Mom! What is THAT!?" and points to the floor of the car. I look and calmly say "Oh, it must be a dog treat that the dogs left in the car from their last trip to the vet" End of conversation!? Heavens no! and onward...."Mom, is it old?" "Um, probably just a couple days *realization of what is happening hits*, YES! YES! It is VERY old and GROSS! YUCK!" "Mom, I want to eat it!" At this point you are probably thinking that I would forbid the eating of a milkbone and perhaps throw it away and limit her temptation....this is where you are wrong! The bribing part of my mom brain kicks in and I say "If you're really good today you can have the dog treat later!" And it appears to work like a charm.
The basis of today's post is Iris's (Iris' ?) apparent love of milkbones. I actually used them to potty train her. Some parents provide their child with a toy or stickers I provided her with dog treats! Who is going to bed without diapers on? My little K-9 E.G! I am hoping that there is no detrimental effect of the actual treats because 1) she loves them 2) they are amazing bribing tools 3) I feed them to my actual dog pretty regularly. While they have not shown a negative impact on her health here are some things I have noticed. 1) She has amazing hair! Sure its wild and unruly but its shine is awesome! I am thinking that she has the healthiest "coat" of her peers! 2) Her teeth are pretty impressive. She had her very first dentist appointment yesterday and the dentist said "Keep doing what you are doing! Her teeth look great!" Awesome! The milkbone diet is totally paying off! 3) Her breath is horrendous! I don't know exactly what is in a milkbone (Why do I care?! It's only the most important thing in my life eating them!) but I am certain that it should not make anyone's breath smell like that! I am pretty sure that the advertising states that they will freshen your dog's breath but I am certain they deliberately leave off "but not your child's!" Yowzer! Milkbone breath is my kryptonite! In conclusion, I was thinking about checking some labels and seeing what I believe would be the healthiest dog treats for my child and maybe do a child taste test. We have all summer! I can purchase all kinds of dog treats for her! Rate them on time it takes to consume, taste, breath afterward, tooth health, coat shine, etc. This could be an amazing study! I have my money on Greenies! They seem to have been the best for Lizzi, just a little too pricey to keep around the house now but I can probably afford to splurge every now and again for E.G.!
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